Monday, April 5, 2010



One of the most dangerous situations that a motorcyclist can find him/ herself in is in a lane that is about to be taken over by a Car, SUV, or Truck. Many riders spend a lot of time in a vehicle’s blind spot not realizing the dangers that they are in, (the area that is not covered by the mirrors on a car or truck). In order to see this area a driver must turn his/ her head to check what is in their blind spot. Unfortunately a lot of drivers out there don't bother to check their blind spots (they only use their mirrors) before making a turn or lane change. And as a motorcycle rider you don't want to be in that space when the driver of a much heavier vehicle wants to be there as well.

Diagram 2.1 above indicates where the blind spots are located on a car. This is the place where a rider should not spend a lot of time. The easiest way to tell if you are in a vehicle’s blind spot is to look into the car/ truck mirrors, if you cannot see the driver’s face... Guess what? You are in his or her blind spot. This means that you are invisible to the driver, unless they turn their head and check their blind spot before making a move.


Ø LPC2129 Micro controller Board

Ø JTAG Interface

Ø NULL Modem Cable.

Ø Ultrasonic sensor


Ø Keil mvision 3

Ø Embedded C

Ø LPC2000 Flash Utility


In this project we will connect two ultrasonic sensors at the back side of the vehicle and it will give continuously the distance between the vehicle and the nearby vehicle. By using this distance we will conclude the vehicle is there or not in the blind spot ad if we will give the indication to the driver in the LCD display in the cluster as well as the LED indication in the mirror.

Symbian based robot control using Bluetooth and MEMS


In this application we discuss about the utilization of gesture recognition technique on a mobile phone. We also discuss about the possible applications using readily available hardware like mobile gaming or wheelchair control etc.

The proliferation of accelerometers on consumer electronics has brought an opportunity for interaction based on gestures or physical manipulation of the devices. This provides flexibility for the users to employ personalized gestures and make some physical manipulations.


Mobile phones are the most pervasive wearable computers currently available and have the capabilities to alter and manipulate our perceptions. They contain various sensors, such as accelerometers and microphones, as well as actuators in the form of vibro-tactile feedback. Visual feedback may be provided through mobile screens or video eye wear. Dynamic input systems in the form of gesture recognition are proving popular with users, with Nintendo’s Wii being the most prominent example of this new form of interaction,

that allows users to become more engaged in video games

[1]. The video game experience is now affected not only by

timing and pressing buttons, but also by body movement.

To ensure a fast adoption rate of gesture recognition as an

ubiquitous input mechanism, technologies already available

in mobile phones should be utilized. Features like accelerometer sensing and vibro-tactile feedback are readily available in high-end mobile phones, and this should filter through to most mobile phones in the future.

Gesture recognition allows users to perceive their mobile phone as an input mechanism.

This application helps in controlling the wheel chair or the robot or a toy car with less physical efforts thus improving overall well being and quality of life.


In the cases where a gesture recognition has been implemented on a resource-constrained device, only the simplest algorithms were considered and implemented to recognize only a small set of gestures; only three different gestures were recognized. We have developed an accelerometer-based gesture recognition technique that can be implemented on a mobile phone. The gesture recognition algorithm was optimized such that it only requires a small amount of the phone’s resources, in order to be used as a user interface to a larger piece of software, or a video game, that will require the majority of the system resources.

Sniper Robot


SniperRobot speaks of an intelligent robot capable of multiple features like motion detection, video streaming, remote control of robot, positioning of rifle which is mounted on the robot as well as shooting the intruder from a remote end.

This project is applicable in war zone / highly secured areas where public is not entertained. Motion detection is the action of sensing physical movement in a given area. Motion can be detected by measuring change in speed or vector of an object or objects in the field of view. The motion detection module receives a wide-angle camera image (embed in your mobile camera) as input and computes the difference between consecutive images within a local field.


Hardware Requirements:

  • Mobile phone with built-in Camera and GPRS (tested on N72)
  • PC with broadband internet connection and public ipaddress
  • Robot
  • PIC16F873
  • DC Motors
  • Buzzer
  • RF TxRx
  • MAX 232/RS232
  • HT12D / HT12E

Software Requirements:

· Operating System : Windows XP

· J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.5.1

· Net Beans 1.6

· Java Comm API

· jsmsengine

· jdk1.6


To start with the setup, take a snapshot of the area to be monitored. Let us call it as reference snapshot. Set the timer (intervals in which new snapshot has to be taken), and decide the threshold value. Once done, mount the camera on the robot with application in the running state. The robot is RF enabled too. Mount the rifle / the gun on the robot.

Initially our robot is in the still state. Takes new snapshots of the reference area, compares it with the reference snap shot for motion, and discards them if no motion detected / motion is in threshold limits. The motion detection is done using piximity algorithm. The moment it senses the motion above the decided threshold limits, it intimates the server PC at the remote end through GPRS. It also starts sending consecutive snapshots of the reference area to the server PC using GPRS connection. As said earlier, the communication between the mobile phone and the PC happens through GPRS. Here distance does not matter as we use GPRS. The administrator at the server end can view the activities at the remote end. Admin can control the motion the robot through RF. Thus while controlling the robot’s movement left, right, etc he can view the video too. Admin, after detecting the target by positioning the robot at the right place, can position the rifle up and down and start shooting the target. We use RF for both positioning of robot and the rifle.

The application has the facility to save and review the pictures at the PC’s end.


* Tracking intruders

* Record the intruder action.

* Monitor the remote area.


* Motion detection thresh hold value may vary.

* Premature image if the image size is large.

* RF range is limited too

* User has to reset the mobile application manually.

Wireless Real time Sensor



The Aim of the project is to monitor the accidental or illegal variations in sensors such as temperature and voltage. For surveillance purpose web cams are placed in the remote area. These cams images can be streamed to mobile simultaneously on request.


With a mobile device running Symbian OS and our application, all your video and sensor information is at your fingertips. Remote sensing is the small or large-scale acquisition of information of an object or phenomenon, by the use of either recording or real-time sensing device(s).In practice, remote sensing is the stand-off collection through the use of a variety of devices for gathering information on a given object or area. Remote sensing makes it possible to collect data on dangerous or accessible areas.

Simply start the application on your phone, enter the IP address of your sensor Probe, and connect.

Once connected, you can view live streaming video feeds from individual camera or multiple cameras. Features like

· Setting temperature

· Resetting temperature

· Resetting voltage can be done.


1) Remote monitoring of multiple areas.

2) Remote temperature sensor.

3) Remote Voltage Sensor


1) Monitoring depends on network

Future Enhancement

i) Implementation of the Zoom in and Zoom out Mechanism in the mobile

Hardware Requirement [minimum]

1) Cameras.

2) Mobile phone.

3) Temperature sensor.

4) Voltage sensor

5) Serial Port cable

Software Requirement

1) JDK 1.6.0.

2) J2ME Wireless toolkit

3) Net beans (complete pack)

PC Requirement

1) Min PIII Processor.

2) 40GB HDD.

3) 1GB RAM.

4) Internet connection with public IP address

5) GPRS enabled mobile phone

A smart home using Bluetooth

Mobile phones have almost become an integral part of us serving multiple needs of humans. This application makes use of the Bluetooth feature of mobile phone as a solution for home automation. It comes handy for disabled and aged people who always depend on others for their basic necessities.

Salient Features of the application

  • Turn ON / OFF Bulb
  • Turn ON / OFF FAN
  • Detect Motion if any
  • Display the status on the LCD
  • Buzz the alarm if motion detected

You can control all these by just running an application in your symbian based phone. Bluetooth is the mode of communication between the hardware and you. The entire operations of the sensors and the appliances are controlled with the help of microcontroller.

Symbian is the programming language used at the mobile phones end. In this project the Bluetooth socket module is used to communicate with the hardware. The hardware is connected to mobile through the SPP (Serial Port Profile) for data communication. When the application is opened, it will check for the mobile Bluetooth for on/off. If it is off then it will ask the user to switch on the Bluetooth. Then it will search for the Bluetooth devices nearby and then it will connect to the device through SPP profile.

Bluetooth Bulb control

Switch ON / OFF the light by just a click in your mobile phone application and display the same on LCD

Bluetooth Fan control

Switch ON / OFF the light by choosing the appropriate option in your mobile phone and LCD

Automatic Motion sensing

The motion sensor is added in the circuit mainly for the purpose of security for the disabled and aged. This sensor continuously checks for the human IR rays, which can be only detected from the human body. To detect this, a PIR sensor is connected to the hardware and is left out in the unsecured area. Till there is no strange movement in the protected area, the mobile will display “Motion: Normal”. When any human movement is detected in the sensor, it informs to the microcontroller. The microcontroller immediately displays “Motion: Detected” in the mobile phone and displays the activates alarm

Software Requirement

Ø Symbian OS

Ø Symbian toolkit

Ø Symbian c++

Ø Visual C++ 6.0

Following phones are supported for Symbian OS

Application is supported by all series 60 smart phones.

Tested in Nokia N72

Blue Sniper


BlueSniper speaks of an intelligent robot capable of multiple features like motion detection, video streaming, remote control of robot, positioning of rifle which is mounted on the robot as well as shooting the intruder from a remote end.

This project is applicable in war zone / highly secured areas where public is not entertained. Motion detection is the action of sensing physical movement in a given area. Motion can be detected by measuring change in speed or vector of an object or objects in the field of view. The motion detection module receives a wide-angle camera image (embed in your mobile camera) as input and computes the difference between consecutive images within a local field.


Hardware Requirements:

  • Mobile phone with built-in Camera and Bluetooth (tested on N72)
  • Bluetooth Dongle
  • Robot
  • PIC16F873
  • DC Motors
  • Buzzer
  • RF TxRx
  • MAX 232/RS232
  • HT12D / HT12E

Software Requirements:

· Operating System : Windows XP

· J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.5.1

· Net Beans 1.6

· Widcomm software for Bluetooth

· Java Comm API

· jsmsengine

· jdk1.6


To start with the setup, take a snapshot of the area to be monitored. Let us call it as reference snapshot. Set the timer (intervals in which new snapshot has to be taken), and decide the threshold value. Once done, mount the camera on the robot with application in the running state. The robot is RF enabled too. Mount the rifle / the gun on the robot.

Initially our robot is in the still state. Takes new snapshots of the reference area, compares it with the reference snap shot for motion, and discards them if no motion detected / motion is in threshold limits. The motion detection is done using piximity algorithm. The moment it senses the motion above the decided threshold limits, it intimates the server PC at the remote end through Bluetooth. It also starts sending consecutive snapshots of the reference area to the server PC using Bluetooth. As said earlier, the communication between the mobile phone and the PC happens through Bluetooth. Here distance matters. The administrator at the server end can view the activities at the remote end. Admin can control the motion the robot through RF. Thus while controlling the robot’s movement left, right, etc he can view the video too. Admin, after detecting the target by positioning the robot at the right place, can position the rifle up and down and start shooting the target. We use RF for both positioning of robot and the rifle.

The application has the facility to save and review the pictures at the PC’s end.


* Tracking intruders

* Record the intruder action.

* Monitor the remote area.


* Motion detection thresh hold value may vary.

* Premature image if the image size is large.

* Bluetooth range is limited to 10 m.

* RF range is limited too

* User has to reset the mobile application manually.

Friday, April 2, 2010




With the fast moving technology, we are more and more dependent on computers even our day-to-day activities. People feel crippled when they are unable to access some vital information stored in their computer while away from their computers. This project helps you access and operate your personal PC from a remote place through telephone lines.

This is a speech-based project wherein we are accessing our system i.e. all the contents of the system from a remote place. This remote access is made possible through a telephone line. Only the authentic user can access the system and the authentication is done through keypad..

After the user is authenticated, the different options for the different operations to be performed on the system are read out. We can select the required options through speech..

The different functionalities of the system that can be accessed through the telephone line are:

· You can get to know all the drives, folders, files in the PC

· The software reads out the .txt file and plays .wav files

· Deleting the files in a particular folder.

· Cut and paste a file

· Copy and paste a file

· Attaching a file to respective persons mail account.

Software Requirement:

Ø Jdk1.3 and above.

Ø Microsoft Visual c++.

Ø Turbo C / Borland C.

Ø Oracle 8.0 / Microsoft Access.

Ø Microsoft Speech SDK.

Ø CloudGarden

Hardware Requirement:

Ø DTMF Receiver

Ø Caller ID enabled telephone line

Ø Internet PC

Technologies Used:

Ø Core Java


Ø Java Mail API

Ø Speech API