BlueSniper speaks of an intelligent robot capable of multiple features like motion detection, video streaming, remote control of robot, positioning of rifle which is mounted on the robot as well as shooting the intruder from a remote end.
This project is applicable in war zone / highly secured areas where public is not entertained. Motion detection is the action of sensing physical movement in a given area. Motion can be detected by measuring change in speed or vector of an object or objects in the field of view. The motion detection module receives a wide-angle camera image (embed in your mobile camera) as input and computes the difference between consecutive images within a local field.
Hardware Requirements:
- Mobile phone with built-in Camera and Bluetooth (tested on N72)
- Bluetooth Dongle
- Robot
- PIC16F873
- DC Motors
- Buzzer
- RF TxRx
- MAX 232/RS232
- HT12D / HT12E
Software Requirements:
· Operating System : Windows XP
· J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.5.1
· Net Beans 1.6
· Widcomm software for Bluetooth
· Java Comm API
· jsmsengine
· jdk1.6
To start with the setup, take a snapshot of the area to be monitored. Let us call it as reference snapshot. Set the timer (intervals in which new snapshot has to be taken), and decide the threshold value. Once done, mount the camera on the robot with application in the running state. The robot is RF enabled too. Mount the rifle / the gun on the robot.
Initially our robot is in the still state. Takes new snapshots of the reference area, compares it with the reference snap shot for motion, and discards them if no motion detected / motion is in threshold limits. The motion detection is done using piximity algorithm. The moment it senses the motion above the decided threshold limits, it intimates the server PC at the remote end through Bluetooth. It also starts sending consecutive snapshots of the reference area to the server PC using Bluetooth. As said earlier, the communication between the mobile phone and the PC happens through Bluetooth. Here distance matters. The administrator at the server end can view the activities at the remote end. Admin can control the motion the robot through RF. Thus while controlling the robot’s movement left, right, etc he can view the video too. Admin, after detecting the target by positioning the robot at the right place, can position the rifle up and down and start shooting the target. We use RF for both positioning of robot and the rifle.
The application has the facility to save and review the pictures at the PC’s end.
Tracking intruders
Record the intruder action.
Monitor the remote area.
Motion detection thresh hold value may vary.
Premature image if the image size is large.
Bluetooth range is limited to 10 m.
RF range is limited too
User has to reset the mobile application manually.
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